Resources: Grammar, Punctuation, and Style

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  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Capitalization in Fiction"

    Capitalization in Fiction

    This post, based on a presentation by editor Kristy Gilbert, covers what fiction writers need to know about capitalization conventions.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Commonly Confused Words"

    Commonly Confused Words

    It’s common to mix up words that are similar in sound or meaning, and this post details many of the most commonly confused words that writers should be aware of.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Essential and Nonessential Sentence Elements"

    Essential and Nonessential Sentence Elements

    Learn about what essential and nonessential elements are and how they affect whether commas are needed in sentences.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Pesky Plurals and Possessives"

    Pesky Plurals and Possessives

    Making words plural or possessive can be challenging, especially when a word needs to be both plural and possessive. Relevant for those holiday greeting cards.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Writing Parallel Structure"

    Writing Parallel Structure

    Writing parallel structure may not be as flashy as other grammar topics, but it’s still important for writers to know about.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Punctuation Marks: An Overview"

    Punctuation Marks: An Overview

    This post covers the most common punctuation marks in English, as well as how to use each one.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Common Punctuation Mistakes"

    Common Punctuation Mistakes

    Punctuation marks can be tricky to get right. Find out about some frequent punctuation mistakes.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Hyphens and Dashes, Video Game Style"

    Hyphens and Dashes, Video Game Style

    Learn all about the difference between hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes. Includes a free downloadable tip sheet.