Resources: Representation and Authenticity Reading

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  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Writing Outside of Your Identities, Pt. 1"

    Writing Outside of Your Identities, Pt. 1

    This post reviews considerations for writers who want to create and write characters who have different social identities than their own. Part 1 of 2.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Writing Outside of Your Identities, Pt. 2"

    Writing Outside of Your Identities, Pt. 2

    A follow-up to part one, this post covers additional question for writers to think about when writing characters of different identities. Part 2 of 2.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Depictions of Mental Illness in Fiction, Pt. 1"

    Depictions of Mental Illness in Fiction, Pt. 1

    Mental illness is often shown in harmful or stereotyped ways in media, which perpetuates stigma and contributes to the cycle of silence. Part 1 of 2.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Depictions of Mental Illness in Fiction, Pt. 2"

    Depictions of Mental Illness in Fiction, Pt. 2

    This post focuses more on the depictions of mental health treatment in the US and how inaccuracies can be misleading to audiences. Part 2 of 2.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Why Representation Matters to Me"

    Why Representation Matters to Me

    After reading a novel that features a Chinese American female protagonist, I reflected on the importance of seeing myself in fictional characters.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Sensitivity Reading 101"

    Sensitivity Reading 101

    Sensitivity reading, also called authenticity reading, is an important part of the publishing process, but it’s often misunderstood. Find out how this service can help writers craft more respectful representation.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "What to Know to Become an Authenticity Reader"

    What to Know to Become an Authenticity Reader

    If you’re interested in becoming an authenticity (sensitivity) reader who works with writers or publishers, learn more about what to know before offering this service.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Webinar on Authenticity Reading for Editors"

    Webinar on Authenticity Reading for Editors

    This recording of the webinar I presented for the Editorial Freelancers Association in November 2022 is available only to EFA members (free).

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Webinar on Sensitivity Reading and Conscious Language"

    Webinar on Sensitivity Reading and Conscious Language

    This recording of the webinar I presented for ACES: The Society for Editing in October 2020 is free for ACES members and $30 for nonmembers.

Podcast interview

I was delighted to be interviewed on The Editing Podcast, one of my favorite podcasts! I got to chat with Louise Harnby and Denise Cowle about sensitivity reading.