Resources: Editing Insights

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  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "The Editing Process Guide for Authors"

    Editing Process Guide for Self-Publishing Fiction Authors

    This guide covers what self-publishing authors need to know about working with editors to have their writing edited. Includes a free downloadable PDF version of the post.

  • "Helpful websites to use while editing"

    Helpful Websites to Use While Editing

    Want to know what websites are helpful as you edit? Here’s a list of style manuals, dictionaries, fact-checking resources, and more. Plus you can download a free PDF of the list!

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Style Sheets: What They Are and How to Use Them"

    Style Sheets: What They Are and How to Use Them

    Style sheets are useful tools for any writer or editor that help you stay consistent with formatting and style throughout a manuscript or series. Includes a free downloadable template.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Efficiency Tools for Editing"

    Efficiency Tools for Editing

    Finding shortcuts to become more efficient with the editing process is a bonus for any writer or editor. Learn more about what tools you can take advantage of to cut down on repetitive tasks.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "The Costs of Professional Editing"

    The Costs of Professional Editing

    Curious about what it costs to work with an editor? Find out about how editors usually charge for their work, common rates found in the industry, and why value should be a key factor in making a decision.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Applying 'Good, Fast, Cheap' to Editing"

    Applying "Good, Fast, Cheap" to Editing

    There’s an idea that if you hire someone for a service, you can only have two out of “Good, Fast, Cheap,” but not all three. I look at how this applies to editing.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "6 Myths about Editing"

    6 Myths about Editing

    Many myths exist about editing and what it’s like to work with an editor. I dispel six myths in this post, including the idea that all editing is the same and that editors and writers are enemies.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "5 More Myths about Editing"

    5 More Myths about Editing

    Five more myths about editing are debunked in this post, including the notion that editors follow a strict set of rules and that writers have to accept all editing changes.

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "8 Types of Fiction Edits I Commonly Make"

    8 Types of Fiction Edits I Commonly Make

    This post covers eight of the most common edits I make in the fiction manuscripts I work on, such as forming contractions and assessing pronoun usage.